Monday, December 28, 2015

15-1224 Sermon for Christmas Eve

Scripture:  Matthew 1:18-23, Luke 1:26-37, 2:1-18

Story: The birth story of Jesus.

Theme:  Matthew and Luke make promises about what Jesus will accomplish. None of them would have come true if Jesus hadn't grown up.

Listen to the Sermon

Read the passage at Bible Gateway

15-1220 Sermon on Luke 1

Scripture:  Luke 1:5-20

Story: The birth of John foretold.

Theme:  The miracle that Zechariah experiences gives him, and others, hope that God will perform a greater miracle.

Listen to the Sermon

Read the passage at Bible Gateway

15-1213 Sermon on Ezra 1 and 3

Scripture:  Ezra 1:1-4 & 3:1-5, 10-13

Story: God's people lay the foundation of the Temple.

Theme:  As the Jews begin to rebuild their lives in Jerusalem, they discover that sorrow can reveal the true source of joy.

Listen to the Sermon

Read the passage at Bible Gateway

15-1206 Sermon on Isaiah 40

Scripture:  Isaiah 40:1-11

Story: A message of hope for God's people in exile.

Theme:  The exiles discover that nothing can prevent God from being faithful to God's promises.

Listen to the Sermon

Read the passage at Bible Gateway